
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Etsy Treasuries, Pinterest and My Birthday

Well, I'm getting a little more "internet social savvy" than I was before... which is hard to do when you consider I'm at work for most of the day.  Still, it's happening.  My product is slowly getting out there and I'm networking.  Hopefully, my store will begin to make the rounds, too. 

The Etsy Treasuries were first.  I did one for all purples, then all reds, and then gray (yes, gray is a great color) and today, I did one that's for garnet.  That's because January is my birth month and I absolutely LOVE garnets.  I love them red, orange, green... whatever color they come in (and they come in a lot!).  So here's a link to the Garnet/January Etsy Treasury.  There are some seriously talented people out there!

Now, I have to admit, while I liked everthing I put in my Treasury, there were a few things I liked a bit more than the others.  They just caught my attention and kept drawing me back.  So, for your enjoyment (if you're too lazy to follow the link to Etsy!) here are a few of the treasures I found:

by Izovella ~ isn't it a beaut?

I love tea and this teacup by Sheilasart is terriffic

by FebraRose. Love her use of various beads.

meredithdillman  draws these herself
before turning them into fun pendents
 So, that's it for today.  I also pinned a few of my items over at Pinterest if you'd care to go see what's up there.  I'm sure some of these artists wouldn't mind the extra exposure, either.

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