Well, I got home last night and decided I really needed to have some creative time. Puppy snuggles aside (and all the funny things Zackery is doing now that he's settling in) I needed to
make something! So I did. Here are a couple collages for you to enjoy:
Clock-wise from top left: 1) "In Bloom" - created with light blue crystal rondelles and cone findings from Michael's, blue plastic flowers (been hording them so long I don't remember where they're from), white oval/rounds from
Znetshows.com, and all held in place by handmade copper headpins; 2) "Chilean Dance" - red donuts from Znetshows.com, South American style beads are from a necklace a dear friend down in Chile gave me that recently broke (if you can't fix it, recycle it!); 3) "Earth to Sky" - blue ceramic beads from Michael's, small, South American connector bead also from that same Chilean necklace; 4) "Belly Dance Diva" - again with my take on Kristi Bowman's "Aladdin" earring tute - blue-ish crystal rondelles held to silver cones (all from Michael's) by copper wire, gold recycled sari ribbon from
Willow Mist Acres on Etsy (looooove her recycled ribbons, by the way!)
Again, clock-wise starting with the large picture: 1) "African Dreams" - material is from a fan I had that finally gave up the ghost, tucked into silver cones and accented with black seed beads and black & white beads from Michael's (these are real shoulder sweepers); 2) "Flight of the Condor" - again with the beads from the Chilean necklace, opalescent ovals from Znetshows.com; 3) "Harem Whispers" - starting from the top and going down, dark teal/green crystal rondelles, pink(-ish) ceramic flat rounds topping gold-toned cones (all from Michael's) and recycled sari ribbon from Willow Mist Acres. (did I mention I
loooove her ribbons?)
Wish I could have made more, but a certain mischevious puppy was calling and it started getting later. I will say, of all the earrings, only those I make with the hand-crafted Chilean beads will never be for sale. As I mentioned, the necklace they came from was given to me by a dear friend so I will be keeping any and all remakes from those.
On to other things, now. Once again, ZnetShows is asking us to design... THIS time with a partner. What we were asked to do was pick out several items we would like to ship to our assigned partners. I was assigned Suzette from
Ellie's Bijou and I'm excited to see, a) what she does with what I picked for her and, b) what
I can do with what she picked for me. Wanna see what she sent me? Of course you do! Here it is:
Aren't they gor-ge-mous!? I've got ideas already percolating in my head (although, if you're paying attention, you'll notice I've already used two beads from this stash....)
And, finally, I guess no one really wanted any of my magazine destash as there were no responses. I'll give it one more try. If you want these:

...then make a comment specifially regarding them. (although comments about my jewelry is always welcome, as well!)