Thursday, December 13, 2012

New FB Page

So, I've started a THIRD FaceBook page. The first is my personal (friends and family), the second is my beading/craft page (also called Crazy Creative Corner) and the third and newest is Pam's Photography (altho', there are, it appears, several people named "Pam".... who'd'a thunk!?) so it's also called Pam's Crazy Photography. This is not a reflection on my work, just a tie-in to my Blog & Etsy store (when I reopen it).

Anyway, I thought it would be a good place to share my photos that had nothing to do with my jewelry work.  If you'd like (and I'd appreciate it if y'all did), please pop over by clicking the link above and give the page a "Like" for me?

Here's a small taste of the things I'll be putting on there:

geranium bloom in my mom's garden

rose leaves on a rainy day ~ taken with my iPhone
using it's flash.

more rose leavs on a rainy day ~ also taken
with my iPhone.

Twilight Pine ~ captured as I left work one evening

Stare down ~ man! I wouldn't mess with him if
he were Monster Movie sized!

Lunch Conference ~ PicMonkey is

Soft Gardenia ~ taken in my mom's garden

Water Fountain ~ again, gotta love
As I said, feel free to have a look and see what else I've done and watch for more.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

A Reminder

For those who signed up for my Sci-Fi Blog Hop back in October.... it's still set for January 24th (which, happily, won't interfere with Lori's blog hop reveal!) and personal reminders will be going out in about a week.  The final list of Who's Who won't be going out until the week before the reveal (so any last minute joiners can join the fun).  

I'm sorry I haven't blogged on it (or much of anything else recently) but I'm getting our choir ladies ready for our Christmas Cantata at church. Stress much!?  Anyway, after this Sunday (gaspgulpstress!) I'll hopefully be able to be back on a schedule where I'm posting at least a couple of times a week (or so!) and will also be reminding the Hoppers to create for the Sci-Fi Hop. 

Plus, hopefully, next week, I'll have sign ups for another Magazine Destash Giveaway! Check back! ;)